Thursday, January 23, 2014

Unknown Object in the Moon.

This is the note that suggest our research:
“At least one enormous object of unknown origin has been visually verified as having landed on our moon. As a result, on Wednesday, January 15, three Terrier-Orion rockets blasted off within a span of 20 seconds from NASA's Wallops Flight Facility between 1 a.m. and 5 a.m. EST (0600 to 1000 GMT) on hush-hush missions for the Department of Defense (DoD).”
In the second paragraph, the object is called space aircraft.
Is this true?
Let’s see what the skies tell us about this through Horary Astrology.
The chart shows three strictures against judgement.
1)      Moon is in Via Combusta.
2)      Moon is in the latter degrees of the sign she occupies.
3)      Saturn is the ruler of the Seventh House.
Let’s see what these “strictures and warnings” tell us about the chart and the question.
The Via combusta is a zodiacal area between 15Dgs. Libra and 15Dgs. Scorpio. Every planet found here is weakened and debilitated, particularly the Moon whose importance in Horary astrology is overwhelming.
We see that Moon is also in the latter degrees of the sign she occupies, and this tells us that it’s too  early to receive an answer to the question.
Saturn in the 7th House tells us that we can expect delays and contradictions and these doubts are reinforced since the Via Combusta moon suggests that the circumstances surrounding the question may take sudden and unpredictable turns.

Once considered these strictures carefully, and following the strict rules of Horary, we say that the question about the presumed object in the Moon cannot or shouldn’t be answered.

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