Saturday, November 15, 2014

The Need for Traditional Astrology

The Need for Traditional Astrology

by Olivia Barclay, Q.H.P.

Transcript of the Carter Memorial lecture delivered at the 1996 Exeter Conference of the Astrological Association.

There were some fine great trees blown down in the storm of 1987 and that is a bit how I feel about western traditional astrology. It is like some huge oak tree or redwood tree, but we brought down in the storms of the last three centuries. Its roots are still there, buried in antiquity, but we have cut it off from its roots. We said, 'So let's prune it back and graft bits of it onto some new saplings, like one called psychology, or one called science, or better still we could cut it up for firewood'.
However, the main tree could still be rescued if any would take the trouble to recapture it and study it. We could rediscover it, despite current confusion.By traditional astrology, I mean that great canon of knowledge that has been built up over the thousands of years. It consists of Mundane, Horary, Nativities and Elections. My reason for studying the works of the past is try to improve our techniques today. It isn't just because the work is old, or because we want to carry on parrot fashion, it is because the astrology and the old astrologers can teach us. Astrology is the study of the action of spirit through the medium of heavenly bodies, on material matter of this earth, or as Cardan, the famous sixteenth century astrologer said in my favourite aphorism, 'Heaven is the Instrument of the Most High God whereby he acts upon and Governs Inferior Things'.
Whether you believe in the Most High God or whether you call him Universal Force or Energy, you should realise that you should be studying those laws that show the pattern of existence of everything there is. You should not be studying something recently thought up on the spur of the moment by someone who called himself an astrologer or psychologist. It is for us to find out those universal laws, and to strive to decipher their code, and penetrate their meaning and purpose, not to invent hypothetical methods for the sake of publicity or prestige.
There have been many such unfounded inventions during this century which have lead to distortions of the truth. We have been losing much that is of value. People have felt free to invent and add whatever they like, even when they have no idea of what was already known in the old astrology. The changes have caused confusion. Some people have invented ideas to make astrology more acceptable, some to make it simpler, and some for the sake of talking about something new. The trouble is that when someone invents a new idea, someone comes along and invents a contradictory one, and then everybody is thrown into confusion because few have studied the foundations of our art sufficiently to know which, of all the variations put before them, is the correct one.
As Robert Hand said in the Foreword to my book which is called 'Horary Astrology Rediscovered', so much has been invented that everything at anytime can mean everything, so then nothing means anything'. I agreed with Rob Hand, the plethora of inventions has defeated its own end. He suggests we need more what he calls rigour in our use of symbols, which I interpret to mean that we should have an exact knowledge of their meaning. That should be our first step.
Have you ever considered that 1,500 years ago Palchus, for one, could, with his astrology, answer a straight question with a straight answer. William Lilly and his contemporaries could do that in the seventeenth century and they explained to us how to do it, but no, we must add and invent and manoeuvre until our words sound obscure and meaningless. We speak in euphemisms, forgetting to look for the nub of the matter.
As you know, I teach a course in horary. And that is a very practical art. One virtue of it is that when you are asked a question you have to give an answer that can be seen to be true. You cannot waffle. It is a very good test of astrology. If your answer is correct you are on the right track. You know you can drive your car because you consistently reach your destination safely. But there is a great difference between driving a car and just talking about one like a car salesman. You have to know from practical experience what the accelerator is for, and you mustn't listen to your false instructor. There are at present many more people talking about astrology than actually doing practical work. I am reminded of Lilly's words in his introduction to Bonatus' 'Anima Astrologiae' when he says the book is 'for those honest students who study Art to discover truth and not to vapour with it'.
No doubt there are many motives that drive us to study astrology. My own motive was to find clear evidence that the movement of heavenly bodies affected life on earth, or that some synchronicity between them. My motive was not prediction, and yet prediction supplies evidence. Astrology has always been concerned with prediction, although we seldom hear a serious prediction nowadays except from the weathermen. The ancient ability to predict grew from such observations, I believe, as the yearly heliacal rising of Sirius coincided with the rising of the Nile. In early days, astronomy and astrology were one, astronomy the study of physical reality and astrology the interpretation of its meaning. Observation of nature seems to have been much keener in those days and consequently they had an awareness of beauty which was considered, in Greece at least, an expression of the inner spirit.
I would like to mention some great astrologers of the past who have much to teach us. It is absurd that their work has been so ignored, just because they lived in a different culture from ours where they were not immersed in materialism and which held different standards. Presumably most of you subscribe to Project Hindsight. This is an organization once headed by Rob Hand, committed to the colossal task of translating into English all the authoritative works of past astrologers. One of the most notable in my opinion is the book by Paulus Alexandrinus written in 378 AD and now translated into English for the first time. It was significant to see that Paulus differed from Ptolemy in allocating the rulership of the water triplicity by day to Venus. But how can the average astrologer of today, unfamiliar with the Tables of Dignities of the planets, appreciate these differences, or assess the value of Alexandrinus' work at all. To do so you must first understand the traditional methods he is discussing. And that is where there is a great gap in the knowledge of the majority of present day astrologers.
Apart from the linguistic efforts of Project Hindsight, it is very important that Graeme Tobyn has started a 'Latin for Astrologers' group in London. Here is a group of experienced astrologers who are translating directly from Latin. I am going to ask Graeme Tobyn very shortly to translate a few lines from Junctinus so that you can hear how beautiful and concise the old astrology was. And if you can speak Latin you must let Graeme know.
It is true that we do have a few early books already in English which we can study. For instance, you can buy 'The Astronomica' by Manilius, who lived about the time of Christ. This is a beautiful epic poem describing the beliefs of that era, including the fact that the Earth is a sphere. The book is published by Loeb. It contains the earliest description I know of, of the houses, showing that by that date they had emerged from a more primitive astrology where luminaries and angles had been emphasised. The houses were called by name not by numbers, as you can also find in the Tetrabiblos written less than a century later.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Horary Astrology and mind-controlled ufologists.

Is it true that nearly all Ufologists are mind-controlled and under some kind of surveillance?
This is obviously a 12 house question, since this house rules secret operations disguised control, secret enemies and reclusion.
The Ascendant in first house of the querent is at 19 degrees 38 minutes of Leo, so that the Sun is the principal significator with the Moon as co-significator.
The Sun conjuncts the cusp of the seventh house on 19 degrees of Aquarius, traditionally ruled by Saturn.  
The Moon, ruler of Cancer in the 12th house, is very strong in her Taurus Exaltation, and in the Tenth House of authorities and government.
Luna is leaving a square to the Sun and applies for an opposition to Saturn ruler of Seventh and located in Scorpio and in the 4th house that symbolizes the end of the matter. This is in Horary Astrology a Translation of Light, and usually gives a positive answer.
What we can see also is that in the same seventh house ruler by Saturn, we find Mercury retrograde in conjunction with Neptune and this union means loss through treachery and slander. More, this conjunction talks about loss of the sense of reality and possible periods of insanity.
These two planets are in Pisces, hosted by Jupiter, ruler of this watery, mute sign. Jupiter represents political and economical power.
But there is even more: Mercury and Neptune conjuncts the fixed star Fomalhaut, and the meaning of this conjunction is damaged reputation (Mercury) and “many secret enemies, connected with secret affairs or government work”. (Neptune.)
This is so amazing that I will give you an excellent reference: *[Fixed Stars and Constellations in Astrology, Vivian E. Robson, 1923].
The answer is YES: Is it true that nearly all Ufologists are mind-controlled and under some kind of surveillance, and perhaps subconsciously forced to plant disinformation.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Horary Astrology about Human-Alien bases in Mars.

Andrew Basiago declared that the US government has a full base operation on Mars including aliens and humans. Is this true?
The first house is in Libra, and significators are Venus and Mars present in this house.
The first stricture is the Early ascendant at 1 degree, 3 minutes of Libra, and when the Ascendant is at less than 3 degrees of its sign, the question is premature. Perhaps there will be alien-human bases in Mars in the future but not now.
The second stricture is the Moon Void of Curse, and when void of course she doesn’t complete any major aspects before leaving its current sign. Moon here is 25 degrees 58 minutes of Aries. A Void of Curse Moon can sometimes perform in Cancer, Taurus, Sagittarius or Pisces, but this is not the case in this chart. A Void Moon tells us that nothing happens. The question is meaningless.
Secrets of any kind are ruled by the 12 house; here with cusp in Virgo, therefore, Mercury signifies the question, the quesited matter.
Venus, ruler of Libra, can be found peregrine in Capricorn on the 4th house. A peregrine planet has little influence, if any, in horary astrology.
Mercury, ruler of the 12 house of secrets is also peregrine, so we have the two primary significators weak and devoid of influence. Besides, there are no aspects between Mercury and Venus.
Mercury conjuncts Neptune and this conjunction imply rumors, alienation and obsession.  This conjunction is frequent in illusionists, deceivers and impersonators.
So, the answer is NO. This question is meaningless. Nothing happens. There are no human- alien bases in Mars.The whole thing is a fantasy.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Horary Astrology about alliance between humans and ET.

Some UFO researchers suggest that there is some kind of alliance or agreement between terrestrial government(s) and non-human entities. The question is if this alliance exists or not.
The complexity of this question requires a careful analysis of those astrological houses, luminaries and planets involved in the Horary Astrological chart.
The Ascendant of the first house which represents the querent is at 8 Degrees 35 minutes of Virgo, and Mercury is the Ruler of this sign particularly at Night.
Alliances and pacts are matters that fall under the rulership of the 7th house, whose cusp is 8 degrees and 35 minutes of Pisces, ruled by Jupiter. This planet retrograde and in is in his exaltation in Cancer, zodiacal signed ruled by the Moon, which even if it is  void of course, applies to a very close conjunction with the first house ruler Mercury conjunct Neptune in Pisces.  
And here we have a surprise, (not a nice one,) because Moon, Mercury, Sun and Neptune are in the Sixth House of dependence, servitude, submission and in old times, slavery.
Mercury in this bad six house, conjuncts Neptune and this conjunction talks about rumors, treachery, psychic powers used for negative purposes and abdication. Also, Neptune rules places of confinement and mass delusions. 
Now, Neptune is conjunct the Fixed Star Fomalhaut and this conjunction means “many secret enemies, connected with secret affairs or government work, occult interests.”
What is this chart “telling me?” If I understand all this well, the answer is NO, there is no alliance, because alliance means agreement.
The traditional astrologer has the right to deny some readings. I am reading a negative answer and also am convinced that the stars are telling me too much. Sorry about this. After all, the Void of Course Moon is a stricture.

Thursday, January 30, 2014

What else is needed to SEE?

She is Mother and Daughter.
He is Creation and Creator.
Multiverse is Father and Son

Universe is Father and Son, Mother and Daughter, Creation and Creator

Man is not the master of stars and planets. He/she is son/daughter of the Multiverse and belongs to it. It's extremely dangerous to believe that we can do what we want with stars and planets, and not only dangerous but totally wrong. The idea of Nature belonging to Men because "god" decided that, is one of the barbarous statements of the so called Old Testament. The Universe or Multiverse creates Itself. Read the Gnostics and look carefully the Ouroboros Gnostic symbol.
Multiverse is the Mother and the Daughter, Father and Son. Multiverse is infinitely more that all the gods.
He is the Creation and the Creator.  His secret name is the UNBORN.

This is TRUE. This is pure, unrestricted LIGHT.

Horary Astrology and the Multiverse.

This is the question in this case: The word Multiverse is a reference to the plurality of universes. Is this “multiversality” a fact?.

The querents House shows the Ascendant at 21 degrees, 12 minutes of Scorpio, the zodiacal sign of the water triad,  ruled by the planet Mars and Neptune. Saturn in this first house is co-significator with the Moon, so the querent is signified by Mars, Saturn and Moon, a planetary multitude, indeed.
Now the Universe is signified by Sagittarius whose ruler in Jupiter, and the planet Uranus, while the Ninth House is also a co-signifier.
This cusp of the Ninth House is in Cancer, ruled by Moon, also belonging to the water triad Scorpio-Cancer-Pisces.
A    positive answer in Horary Astrology is given by the aspects between the querent and the quesited planets, and we see in this chart that Moon applies to a sextil with Uranus which signifies the Universe. Moon also applies to a conjunction with Sun in Aquarius, and this sign has Uranus as his co-ruler.
Jupiter retrogrades from Gemini back to Cancer, ruled by the Moon and after an aspect to Saturn; he applies for a square to Uranus, which rules the space and science. Now, Jupiter, the great benefic, applies for a trine to Neptune, the planet of mystery, revelations and visions.
By the way, Moon conjuncts the fixed star Altair and this conjunction means “interest in a strange discovery”

As a result we can say that the answer is YES. The Horary astrological chart tells us that the Multiverse is a fact.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

HORARY: What's the future of the UFO controversy?

The question is this one: What’s the future of the UFO controversy?
Ascendant of the querent’s first house is at 19 Degrees, 31 minutes of Leo, so the Sun, ruler of Leo and Moon as usual in Horary Astrology, represent the querent.
UFO matters belong to the 9th house of aliens, Astral and Space travels, science and higher education. Since Aries is in the ninth, Mars becomes the ruler of the question, the quesited.

Sun is in the sixth house, at 6 degrees of Aquarius, and in traditional astrology, Saturn is the day and night ruler of this zodiacal sign. Therefore Sun, in his detriment in Aquarius, is in Saturn’s astrological home. Moon, the co-signifier is in the 4th house, which between other things rules the end of the matter in question.
Mars, ruler of the Ninth is in Libra, on the 3rd house of writings and communications. Mars in Libra is also in detriment in this zodiacal place that is opposed to Aries and unfortunately situated in the Via Combusta. Principal significators in Via Combusta frequently produce sudden, unpredictable turns as if the chart operated under some eclipse. Mars is conjunct to Foramen, the fixed star of peril, violence and blindness.
The Moon separates from a sextil aspect to the Sun and applies to a Mars sextil, so that she is translating the light from Sun to Mars, this in trine aspect to Sun. This is telling us that the UFO controversy will go on in the future, and eventually the debate will change because of sudden, unpredictable turns.
However, since Moon is in the 4th that rules the end of the matter and in conjunction with the fixed star Rastaban, also known as Alwaid, which suggest lost of property and violence as end of the UFO controversy. By the way, Rastaban is also a star of blindness.
We should say also that Sun applies to a trine with Uranus, and this nontraditional planet rules the space, modern technology and abrupt changes or events.
The answer to our question is YES, the UFO controversy will go on in the future, but surrounded by very negative circumstance that are unpredictable and undesirable. Two fixed stars of blindness in conjunction with principal significators suggest also that there are things here that we cannot see.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Unknown Object in the Moon.

This is the note that suggest our research:
“At least one enormous object of unknown origin has been visually verified as having landed on our moon. As a result, on Wednesday, January 15, three Terrier-Orion rockets blasted off within a span of 20 seconds from NASA's Wallops Flight Facility between 1 a.m. and 5 a.m. EST (0600 to 1000 GMT) on hush-hush missions for the Department of Defense (DoD).”
In the second paragraph, the object is called space aircraft.
Is this true?
Let’s see what the skies tell us about this through Horary Astrology.
The chart shows three strictures against judgement.
1)      Moon is in Via Combusta.
2)      Moon is in the latter degrees of the sign she occupies.
3)      Saturn is the ruler of the Seventh House.
Let’s see what these “strictures and warnings” tell us about the chart and the question.
The Via combusta is a zodiacal area between 15Dgs. Libra and 15Dgs. Scorpio. Every planet found here is weakened and debilitated, particularly the Moon whose importance in Horary astrology is overwhelming.
We see that Moon is also in the latter degrees of the sign she occupies, and this tells us that it’s too  early to receive an answer to the question.
Saturn in the 7th House tells us that we can expect delays and contradictions and these doubts are reinforced since the Via Combusta moon suggests that the circumstances surrounding the question may take sudden and unpredictable turns.

Once considered these strictures carefully, and following the strict rules of Horary, we say that the question about the presumed object in the Moon cannot or shouldn’t be answered.

Celestial Intelligences in classical Astrology

Classical traditional astrologers saw (and see) the Universe as a living entity and the reference to Celestial Intelligences is frequent and effective.
Truth is that the masters and followers of the Art were not obsessed with unnecessary definition of these celestial intelligences. The rationalist and materialist obsession with clear and concise definition is a product of the wrong idea that man was independent from nature.
The Celestial Intelligences are in my perspective a reference to a cosmic intelligence particularized in the obvious influence and signification of the planets and stars in authentic classical Astrology.
I see myself as a follower of the Hermetic Tradition which is today revitalized through a reaction against the pseudo-psychoanalytic approach to the Science of The Stars by modern astrologers interested in giving the client what he or she wants. We instead go back to the sources.
It would be positive in these days to reconsider the concept of Celestial Intelligences as cosmic influences without applying to these Beings mediocre science fiction characteristics.

Celestial Intelligences belong to humanity’s spiritual tradition and have nothing to do with our technologies.

Saturday, January 18, 2014

President Eisenhower with extraterrestrial or with his dentist?

The 34th President of the United States had a meeting with  extraterrestrials at a remote air base in New Mexico in 1954, according to Timothy Good, and Ufologists included Dr. Michael Salla.
On the night and early hours of February 20-21, 1954, while on a ‘vacation’ to Palm Springs, California, President Dwight Eisenhower went missing and allegedly was taken to Edwards Air force base for a secret meeting.
When he showed up the next morning at a church service in Los Angeles, reporters were told that he had to have emergency dental treatment the previous evening and had visited a local dentist. The question gives the alternative. President Eisenhower met with Extraterrestrials of with his dentist?

 We will now learn many things from the Horary Chart.
The tenth house here becomes the 1st one, since the 10 rules Presidents. We can see that Leo, with Sun ruler, is in the ascendant conjunct with Moon.
Sun is in the third house in Capricorn which is ruled by Saturn, and Saturn is the signifier of dentists..!
In the same third house of communications and meetings we find Mercury which signifies also meetings but Mercury is in Aquarius, also ruled in classical astrology by Saturn.
There is however another planet that signifies dentists and it is Mars. In the Chart we can see that Mars is in Libra which is also the exaltation of Saturn. If we need more, we see that Saturn in the Ten Presidencial house is in Scorpio, sign ruled by Mars, and the red planet is mutual reception with Saturn The two signifiers of dentists are mutually reinforced by this reception.
Uranus which symbolizes the Aliens is in the 5 house of personal matters, gambling, speculation and publications. But there is more, because the Moon in Leo, applies to a sextil to Saturn. By the way Saturn conjuncts Unuk, a fixed star which symbolizes nurses and ailments.
As we can see, the horary chart clearly and obviously tells us that the President had a meeting with his dentist and not with the presumed extraterrestrials. Uranus tells us also that the story of the meeting with Aliens was a product of speculation, rumors( Mercury) and the imagination of journalists and ufologists.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Horary Astrology about reptilian aliens.

The question that must be answered by our Horary Chart is this one: It’s true that disguised reptilian extraterrestrials control human affairs?  
In the First house of the querent with Ascendant in Libra, Venus is the ruler, and Mars in Detriment in Libra, is also in this first house. Moon as always is co-significator in Horary Astrology.

The question must be solved through the 12 House which rules secrets, hidden motives and enemies, captivity, imprisonment, things not yet known to the querent and any form of non-voluntary bondage or captivity.
Virgo is the sign of the 12th in this chart and since Mercury is Virgo’s ruler, we look for the position of this planet and find that Mercury is in Aquarius in the 4th house that rules our home, our planet in this case, and the end of the matter which is one of the attributes of the 4th House.
Mars is a malefic but weakened here because in Libra Mars is in detriment. Worse, Mars in in the Via Combusta and this position means also that the weakness of Mars is complete. The Moon, strong in her own sign, Cancer, applies to an opposition to Venus, which is combust by the sun and ruler of the First, and conjuncts the Great benefic, Jupiter.
Luna squares this weakened Mars and then trines the good Part of Fortune and also Saturn whose “house of Joy” in the 12th House and here also the ruler of the 4th.
By the way the Ascendant conjuncts in the 3 degree of Libra, the Arabian part of good luck.
In Horary we take into account basically the applying aspects but previous ones done by Moon teaches us something about the origin of a situation. The separating aspect of Luna with Neptune, the planet that represents fraud, confusion and delusion is fundamental here.

The answer to our question is NO. There are no such reptilians at all. They are the product of the mentioned fraud and delusion.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Are the Ufonauts extra dimensional entities ?

The question is the one that follows: Are the Ufonauts extra dimensional entities (and) what characterizes their activities?

Pullux the fixed star is rising, conjunct with Ascendant, Horary Astrology suggest “blindness and imprisionment” but there is more. Sun conjuncts the star Deneb, and Manilius suggest “death by bites”. Mysteriously in his Astronomica, he tells us about this constellation, (Deneb is in Cygnus,) what follows:   "From this constellation shall flow a thousand human skills. “
The cusp of the first house of querent is 24 Degrees Cancer, so the Moon rules by sign and house.
The question must be localized in the Ninth House of Visions, superior knowledge, space and long travels, and Ninth cusp is at 12 Pisces 06.
The Ruler of this sign is traditionally Jupiter, and we find Uranus here as co-significator. Uranus rules Aliens, the unexpected and everything that doesn’t belong to our environment.
Jupiter retrograde which here signifies the question itself, is  in the 12 house that signifies hidden enemies, secrets, self un-doing, places of confinement, closed institutions, imprisonment and mental illness.
Moon, significator and co-significator of the querent is strong in Taurus applying for a sextil to Jupiter, quesited significator, consequently, the answer to the question is a clear YES. (Luna applying to a trine with Sun is also a strong support of a YES answer.)

The ufonauts are extra dimensional entities and about their activities, I think that unfortunately there is enough information in this Horary Chart.