Monday, December 30, 2013

Aphorisms about Classical and Horary Astrology

In Horary Astrology, the planets are not symbols of psychological conflicts and harmonies, but represent events and individuals that have to do with real life, with everyday life.

 Horary Astrology does not practice moral judgment but predicts facts and events.

Classical astrologers believe that the art of reading a chart cannot be a pseudo psychological improvisation to please the client or a meaningless exercise of wishful thinking.

In Horary traditional rules work always better than the new planets.

In traditional astrology Saturn is a malefic planet, not a teacher or a demanding but benevolent Guide.

In Horary Mars, the second malefic, means war and violence, and he is not a gentle provider of energy.

No psychological or "spiritual" twist will make a square aspect between planets a good  aspect, particularly if one or both of the planets are malefic.
Traditional Ruling Planets and Aspects.

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