Monday, December 30, 2013

Aphorisms about Classical and Horary Astrology

In Horary Astrology, the planets are not symbols of psychological conflicts and harmonies, but represent events and individuals that have to do with real life, with everyday life.

 Horary Astrology does not practice moral judgment but predicts facts and events.

Classical astrologers believe that the art of reading a chart cannot be a pseudo psychological improvisation to please the client or a meaningless exercise of wishful thinking.

In Horary traditional rules work always better than the new planets.

In traditional astrology Saturn is a malefic planet, not a teacher or a demanding but benevolent Guide.

In Horary Mars, the second malefic, means war and violence, and he is not a gentle provider of energy.

No psychological or "spiritual" twist will make a square aspect between planets a good  aspect, particularly if one or both of the planets are malefic.
Traditional Ruling Planets and Aspects.

Sunday, December 29, 2013

The Fukushima Event

The question is this one: is Fukushima an extinction event?

We find a stricture here since Saturn is the ruler of the seven house and traditional masters of Horary Astrology as William Lilly and Ptolomeus wrote that when Saturn is in the seven present or as a Ruler, the astrologer “ignore something that is secret” but the chart can be read anyway.
The Horary chart is calculated for 7, 30 PM, because this is the moment when the astrologer receives and reads the question.
First House with the ascendant in 6 degrees, 32 minutes of Leo makes Sun and Moon rulers of the querent.
The planets that we must take into account for a nuclear accident or catastrophe are Uranus and Pluto, so these celestial bodies become rulers of the question itself.
First we can see that the rising sign conjuncts the fixed star known as Praesepae, and ancient astrologers called this star “exhalation of Piled-up Corpses”!!!. Also Praesapae points to blindness and mischief.
We must consider the fact that Neptune that rules poison and deceit conjuncts the star Fomalhaut, which means many secret enemies, connected with secret affairs or government work, occult interests and violent death through secret enemies.
The Moon by the way, applies for an evil square with Neptune.
Unfortunately the Sun, ruler with Moon of the querent’s first house, applies to a conjunction with Pluto (atomic energy, secret activities, terrorism, the totalitarian state.)  
The Moon applies to a trine with Uranus, which rules radioactivity. Mars, war, violence, aggression) also applies to an opposition with this planet and squares Pluto.
Unfortunately, it’s obvious that the answer to your question is YES.

Roswell : ET spacecraft crash.

The following question to solve by Horary Astrology is this one: Did an extraterrestrial spacecraft crash in Roswell?
The first house ruling the querent rises at Gemini, 10 Degrees 55 Minutes, so Mercury and the Moon are the querent planets.
Mars and Uranus rule accidents. Uranus particularly is the ruler of aerial accidents and also of aliens. We should consider those two planets and the nine house for distant travels to answer this questions following the Horary rules and strictures.
We can see in our chart that Mercury is combust, which is under the Sun rays, and a combust planet with the exception of Mars, loses his power and consequently gives a negative perspective.
The Moon however, applies for a sextil to Mars and a trine to Uranus, and these are aspects which give us a clear YES answer to our question.
Besides our combust Mercury and the Sun conjunct the star Facies associated with accidents.
The Moon and Mars are peregrine and this is a weakening situation.
In the nine house of long travels we find Venus in Capricorn, but since Mars is in Libra, ruled by Venus, and Venus in Capricorn, which is the exaltation of Mars, both planets are in Mixed Reception and this is also favorable.
Saturn, big malefic is the ruler of the 9 house and reinforces the idea of a catastrophic situation in Roswell.
The Ascendant conjuncts Aldebaran, a star related in traditional astrology with catastrophe by weather conditions, floods and shipwrecks.

Consequently, our Horary chart gives a YES  answer to the question about the extraterrestrial crash in Roswell.

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Horary Astrology: UFO...terrestrial or extraterrestrial?

The question is this one: are UFOs extraterrestrial vehicles?
We see that the First house ruling the questioner has it’s cusp at 18 36 Cancer, so the querent’s planet is the Moon which is in the fourth house conjunct Mars, ( 4 house defines the end of the matter.) Mars is the second malefic in traditional Horary Astrology and talks about war, Army and aggression.
The 9th house of the quesited theme rules long distance travels science and wisdom between other things and is in Pisces, whose traditional ruling planet is Jupiter. Neptune which is also in the 9th house, is co-ruler of the question.

Neptune rules movies, television, theater, fashion and all forms of glamour. In essence, Neptune is creating an illusion -- of what is enchanting on the outside and captivating within. Neptune symbolizes also delusive thoughts and fantasies and in the worst case fraud.
There are no aspects between the Moon and Neptune, and Luna applies to a conjunction with Mars and to an evil square aspect to Jupiter which is retrograde and in the very negative 12 house of seclusion, secrets self-denial, fears and afflictions. Retrograde Planets are seriously weakened and perform poorly.
Saturn in the 7th house is bad position of the big malefic, because 7th house suggest the possibility of some error committed by the astrologer.
Uranus is the planet that rules the space and aliens, and no aspects are applying but Moon separated from an opposition to Uranus in the 10th house suggests a negative outcome.  
Consequently the end of the matter is Moon conjunction to Mars. Curiously the two houses ruling the UFO question are in mute signs and in Horary mute signs suggest secrecy and many things unknown.

My personal analysis of this Horary chart suggests that there are many things that we, humans, don’t know, and it is possible that the question shows this ignorance. However the chart’s environment is malignant, unfriendly and I’m left with the impression that UFOs are military artifacts and also, some of these unidentified flying entities are neither terrestrial nor extraterrestrial.

Saturday, December 21, 2013

The 9/11 massacre and Horary Astrology

I am the querent and the Horary Chart was calculated for 3h 40 min PM.
The question was this one: Was the 9/11 assault an inside job, or a terrorist attack from an Islamic extremist organization?
Since we are making an alternative question, we must consider two different houses. The 12 house rules secrecy, secret enemies, clandestine intelligence organizations, conspiracies and cover ups.
Alternatively, the 7 house rules the known enemies, adversaries and open war.
We can see in our astrological chart than the Ascendant is at 13 Degrees 28 min. of Gemini, and since Mercury is the rules of this zodiacal sign, he is the first Signifier of the consultant with the Moon as always.

We must see now what are the rulers of the seven house and alternatively the 12 one.
Mercury and the Sun are located in the 7th house that rules open and recognized enemies. The Moon is in the sign of Leo in the 3 house and applies not only for a trine to Mercury in the 7 but to the Sun also in the seven house that rules adversaries and open, recognized enemies.
Now, let us see what the 12 house tells us: The cusp is in the sign of Taurus, so we must look for Venus which is Taurus ruler. Venus is in the 8 house of Death, conjunct to the Pars Fortunae, and in the same evil house we find Pluto, the planet which rules terrorism.
In fact the Sun applies to a conjunction with this same Pluto.
What the Horary chart is telling is that the 9/11 attack was a terrorist attack but could be done only through the secret complicity of insiders and allies.   

The Horary Chart tells us that 9/11 massacre was both, a terrorist attack and an operation known by insiders with the collaboration of intelligence sources of presumed “allies” of this country.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Horary Astrology and contact between Extraterrestrial Intelligences and Humans.

Ufologist James Black formulates the following question:
Are extraterrestrial intelligences in contact with humans on our own planet?

This is of course a question for Horary Astrology which is very ancient and also very accurate art. It deals with specific questions and replies with specific answers. 
The horary chart is calculated by the astrologer at the time he receives the question and understands it clearly.

The first house of the horoscope represents always the querent, that is the individual who makes the question. In this case the question (quesited) points to the 9 house which rules the space, aliens, higher learning and superior intelligence between similar other things.

We can see that the Ascendant of the chart is in Cancer and conjuncts with a powerful angular Jupiter, and this planet is also the natural ruler of the nine house..!

The Moon, which rules Cancer, where Jupiter is found, applies to a sextile with Uranus, co-ruler of aliens, universal life and Cosmos.
However, Moon is conjunct to a very malefic star called Algol, and also Jupiter is retrograde, and retrograde planets represent show retreats that contradict original plans.

The Moon is also applying to a square, an evil aspect to Mars, a well known planetary expression of wars tensions and conflicts. Jupiter trine to Saturn talks about distrust
So, my interpretation is this one:
The answer is positive. There are contacts between ET intelligences and humans, but we also can see that these contacts are conflictive and uneasy. Also there are unclear intentions but it’s possible that prudence and some form of understanding perhaps unsatisfactory will prevail at last. Also there are many things that humans ignore or cannot understand.

Some friends mailed me concerning my astrological reading of James Black’s question:
Are extraterrestrial intelligences in contact with humans on our own planet?
They wanted to know if I could go deeply into the theme. I will try to do so.
You can read my complete analysis of the Horoscope drawn specifically to give an answer to the question above.
This was my answer:
“The answer is positive. There are contacts between ET intelligences and humans, but we also can see that these contacts are conflictive and uneasy. Also there are unclear intentions but it’s possible that prudence and some form of understanding perhaps unsatisfactory will prevail at last. Also there are many things that humans ignore or cannot understand.”
Let us see what more can we see here. Remember that Horary Astrology is an science and a mystery. Their strict rules do NOT give space for wishful thinking as happens with the decadent contemporary pseudo-astrology.
Now, that Moon conjunct to the malefic star Algol is indeed worrying. Algol is a fixed star known by the Arabs as Al-Ghul, which means "The Ghoul" or "Demon Star", by the Hebrews as Rosh ha Sitan, meaning "Satan's Head", or the Chinese as Tseih She, which means "Piled-up Corpses".
Algol causes misfortune, violence, decapitation, hanging and violence, and gives a dogged and violent nature that causes death to the native or others. It is the most evil star in the heavens.
In horary astrology, it signifies "losing one's head", metaphorically or literally. (mind control?)Now, this Moon applies also to a bad square with Neptune, and this planet in a bad aspect shows confusion, drugs of negative occultism (or negative technology.)
This bad Neptune in Pisces is very strong and in the eight house of Death.
Now, Mercury is the planet of communication, and we can see that this planet is in the Via Combusta, 30 malefic degrees between 15 degrees of Libra to 15 degrees of Scorpio. Via Combusta means the burned path and the planet is these infamous degrees is annulated and turn negative. It’s easy to understand that the communications between the ET intelligences and humans cannot be good in any possible way.

I feel that I must end my astrological analysis in this very moment. Comments are welcome, of course.

Horary Astrology and Intelligent Life in Mars

I draw the Horary Astrological chart at the time of the question, 9h, 51’ PM. We must remember that Horary astrology is a very ancient and accurate art. In Horary there is no place for individual beliefs or wishful thinking. Personally I did not believe that there is intelligent life in Mars.
However, without any doubt the chart brings “matter to perfection” and the answer is YES, there is intelligent life in Mars. (Terrestrial or Extraterrestrial bases and or habitats.)

Chart interpretation.
The person that makes the question, the questiter  is  always represented by the ruler of the first house here with  the Ascendant 15 degrees of Leo, The Sun is the signifier and  in Horary, the Moon is the co-significator in all cases.
Now, the 9th house represents the space, the higher intelligence, the civilization, so with the cusp of the house at 7 Degrees of Aries, whose Ruler is Mars, the red planet comes to represent the question. So Mars is ruler of the question and also the question of life in Mars itself, but this is not all. Uranus, which represents extraterrestrial life, is in that same 9 house at 8 degrees, 39 min..!
This obviously gives a positive answer but there is more. The Moon applies to a TRINE to Mars, bringing matters to perfection but there is even more since the Part of Fortune, conjunct to Marts in the second house more, and Moon applies to a trine to this benefic and substantial Part of Fortune.
The Sun, ruler of the first House separates from a trine to Uranus, and the 4 house is the end of the mater.

The answer is of course yes, since “matters are brought to perfection” in this Horary Chart about Intelligent life in Mars.

Horary Astrology about Disclosure.

Mr.D question is this: will the government put an end to the cover up about UFO secrets and disclose the presence of Extraterrestrial civilization(s) in our planet and in contact with authorities?
The Horary Chart was calculated at 7, 14 min PM, December 7 2013.
In horary astrology there are some strictures that either deny the interpretation or give a negative answer from the beginning.
One of these strictures is the Void of Course Moon.  A Void of Course Moon occurs when the Moon, ( in this chart at 25 Degrees 4 minutes of the sign of Aquarius,) makes no major aspects before leaving the sign where she is.  
Void of Course Moon doesn’t render the chart unreadable but indicates that the situation, in this case the disclosure, will not progress any further and little can be done to change the circumstances.
The issue is a dead end one and there is no answer because the matter is dead.
In the chart about the disclosure, with the rising sign in Cancer, Moon represents the querent and is also the natural co-significator.
In Horary astrology the Moon is more important than any other planet because it shows us what will happen concerning the question, so a void of course Moon tells us that nothing will happen. There will be no such thing as a disclosure.

Once more, we must remember that in Horary Astrology, wishful thinking and twisted interpretations are impossible.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Why Classical Astrology ?

Astrology is not psychoanalysis or wishful thinking. Classical astrology was a predictive science and the Masters of the Art were able to give amazing predictions.
The astrological interpretations of the British astrologer William Lilly in the XVII century are so accurate that we must ask ourselves what was the knowledge that this man had but contemporary astrology lost.
We proudly define ourselves as classical astrologers because we believe that the science and art of astrological interpretation cannot be based in loose pseudo-mystic readings that have little to do with the real human being.
A person comes to the astrologer looking for real answers to his doubts. The clients want to know about their real present and future lives.
Classical astrologers go back to the sources of that lost knowledge, because they want to give practical and concrete answers to the client’s questions.  
For a classical astrologer, nothing can turn a bad aspect into a good one. No wishful thinking can turn a malefic planet into a benefic one.

Classical Predictive Astrology has a compromise with Truth, not with complacency.  Nice words can sound well but may be totally meaningless.