Thursday, February 6, 2014

Horary Astrology and mind-controlled ufologists.

Is it true that nearly all Ufologists are mind-controlled and under some kind of surveillance?
This is obviously a 12 house question, since this house rules secret operations disguised control, secret enemies and reclusion.
The Ascendant in first house of the querent is at 19 degrees 38 minutes of Leo, so that the Sun is the principal significator with the Moon as co-significator.
The Sun conjuncts the cusp of the seventh house on 19 degrees of Aquarius, traditionally ruled by Saturn.  
The Moon, ruler of Cancer in the 12th house, is very strong in her Taurus Exaltation, and in the Tenth House of authorities and government.
Luna is leaving a square to the Sun and applies for an opposition to Saturn ruler of Seventh and located in Scorpio and in the 4th house that symbolizes the end of the matter. This is in Horary Astrology a Translation of Light, and usually gives a positive answer.
What we can see also is that in the same seventh house ruler by Saturn, we find Mercury retrograde in conjunction with Neptune and this union means loss through treachery and slander. More, this conjunction talks about loss of the sense of reality and possible periods of insanity.
These two planets are in Pisces, hosted by Jupiter, ruler of this watery, mute sign. Jupiter represents political and economical power.
But there is even more: Mercury and Neptune conjuncts the fixed star Fomalhaut, and the meaning of this conjunction is damaged reputation (Mercury) and “many secret enemies, connected with secret affairs or government work”. (Neptune.)
This is so amazing that I will give you an excellent reference: *[Fixed Stars and Constellations in Astrology, Vivian E. Robson, 1923].
The answer is YES: Is it true that nearly all Ufologists are mind-controlled and under some kind of surveillance, and perhaps subconsciously forced to plant disinformation.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Horary Astrology about Human-Alien bases in Mars.

Andrew Basiago declared that the US government has a full base operation on Mars including aliens and humans. Is this true?
The first house is in Libra, and significators are Venus and Mars present in this house.
The first stricture is the Early ascendant at 1 degree, 3 minutes of Libra, and when the Ascendant is at less than 3 degrees of its sign, the question is premature. Perhaps there will be alien-human bases in Mars in the future but not now.
The second stricture is the Moon Void of Curse, and when void of course she doesn’t complete any major aspects before leaving its current sign. Moon here is 25 degrees 58 minutes of Aries. A Void of Curse Moon can sometimes perform in Cancer, Taurus, Sagittarius or Pisces, but this is not the case in this chart. A Void Moon tells us that nothing happens. The question is meaningless.
Secrets of any kind are ruled by the 12 house; here with cusp in Virgo, therefore, Mercury signifies the question, the quesited matter.
Venus, ruler of Libra, can be found peregrine in Capricorn on the 4th house. A peregrine planet has little influence, if any, in horary astrology.
Mercury, ruler of the 12 house of secrets is also peregrine, so we have the two primary significators weak and devoid of influence. Besides, there are no aspects between Mercury and Venus.
Mercury conjuncts Neptune and this conjunction imply rumors, alienation and obsession.  This conjunction is frequent in illusionists, deceivers and impersonators.
So, the answer is NO. This question is meaningless. Nothing happens. There are no human- alien bases in Mars.The whole thing is a fantasy.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Horary Astrology about alliance between humans and ET.

Some UFO researchers suggest that there is some kind of alliance or agreement between terrestrial government(s) and non-human entities. The question is if this alliance exists or not.
The complexity of this question requires a careful analysis of those astrological houses, luminaries and planets involved in the Horary Astrological chart.
The Ascendant of the first house which represents the querent is at 8 Degrees 35 minutes of Virgo, and Mercury is the Ruler of this sign particularly at Night.
Alliances and pacts are matters that fall under the rulership of the 7th house, whose cusp is 8 degrees and 35 minutes of Pisces, ruled by Jupiter. This planet retrograde and in is in his exaltation in Cancer, zodiacal signed ruled by the Moon, which even if it is  void of course, applies to a very close conjunction with the first house ruler Mercury conjunct Neptune in Pisces.  
And here we have a surprise, (not a nice one,) because Moon, Mercury, Sun and Neptune are in the Sixth House of dependence, servitude, submission and in old times, slavery.
Mercury in this bad six house, conjuncts Neptune and this conjunction talks about rumors, treachery, psychic powers used for negative purposes and abdication. Also, Neptune rules places of confinement and mass delusions. 
Now, Neptune is conjunct the Fixed Star Fomalhaut and this conjunction means “many secret enemies, connected with secret affairs or government work, occult interests.”
What is this chart “telling me?” If I understand all this well, the answer is NO, there is no alliance, because alliance means agreement.
The traditional astrologer has the right to deny some readings. I am reading a negative answer and also am convinced that the stars are telling me too much. Sorry about this. After all, the Void of Course Moon is a stricture.